LNG가 가진 영하 162℃의 극한의 냉열을 활용하여 영하 80℃부터 상온까지
다양한 보관 온도대를 요구하는상품을 한 센터 내에서 보관이 가능
LNG가 가진 영하 162℃의 극한의 냉열을 활용하여 영하 80℃부터 상온까지 다양한 보관 온도대를 요구하는상품을 한 센터 내에서 보관이 가능
Safe and high transport efficiency with low transport pressure as the load capacity is 12 times low (3,000 kg) compared to gaseous hydrogen transport tube trailer (load capacity 250 kg)

Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Overall Length (전장) | 12,990mm | |
Overall Width (전폭) | 2,495mm | |
Overall Height (전고) | 3,780mm | |
Wheel Base (축간거리) | 8,300+1,270 = 9,570mm | |
Curb Weight (공차중량) | 23,000kg | |
Max.Payload (최대적재량) | 3,000kg | |
Gross Vehicle Weight (차량 총중량) | 26,000kg | |
Spring (스프링) | Air Spring (공기스프링) | |
Breake (브레이크) | EBS (RSS, 전복방지장치) | |
Tire,Wheel | 12R22.5, AL ALLOY |
Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Volume (용량) | 47,000ℓ | |
Inner Design Pressure (내탱크 설계압력) | 1.2MPa | |
Outer Tank Design Pressure (외탱크 설계압력) | 0.2MPa | |
Inner/Outer Tank Material (내/외탱크 재질) | Stainless Steel | |
Insulation (단열방식) | Double Wallet Vacuum Insulation | |
Design Temperature (설계온도) | -253 ~ +40℃ | |
Valve Type (밸브형식) | Jacket Type | |
Piping (배관) | Vacuum Insulation | |
Safety Device (안전장치) | SVM (Surround View Monitor) | |
Monitoring System (Web, App지원) | GPS, Tank Pressure & Level, Gas Detector |
* The above specifications are basic specifications and can be manufactured upon request by the consumer.
TLS PETROLEM TANK TRAILER 상부 적재 방식 유류 탱크 트레일러
BLS PETROLEM & CHEMICAL TANK TRAILER 하부 적재 방식 유류 및 화공 탱크 트레일러

Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Type (형식) | Vertical (수직형), Horizontal (수평형) | |
Volume (용량) | 15㎘~300㎘ | |
Inner Tank Design Pressure (내탱크 설계압력) | 1.2MPa | |
Outer Tank Design Pressure (외탱크 설계압력) | 0.2MPa | |
Inner Tank Material (내탱크 재질) | Stainless Steel (스테인레스 스틸) | |
Outer Tank Material (외탱크 재질) | Carbon Steel (카본스틸) | Option: Stainless Steel (선택사양: 스테인레스 스틸) |
Insulation (단열방식) | SI+Vacuum (슈퍼인슐레이션 진공단열) or Perlite+Vacuum (펄라이트 진공단열) | |
Dseign Temp. (설계온도) | -253~40℃ | |
Valve Type (밸브형식) | Jacket Type (자켓 타입) | |
Piping (배관) | Vacuum Insulation (진공단열) |
* The above specifications are basic specifications and can be manufactured upon request by the consumer.
For its large storage capacity, it is suitable for areas with high demand, and it can save 50% of electricity cost compared to gaseous hydrogen charging stations, double the charging speed, and reduce the cost of consumable parts.

Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Tank Volume (탱크용량) | 15㎘ ~ 60㎘ | |
Inner Tank Design Pressure (내탱크 설계압력) | 0.6 ~ 1.2MPa | |
Insulation (단열방식) | SI + Vacuum (슈퍼 인슐레이션 진공단열) | |
Equipment Parts (구성 부품) | LH2 Tank (액화수소 탱크), LH2 Pump (액화수소 펌프), Vaporizer (기화기), Cooling Unit (냉각 장치), Compressor (컴프레서), Control Panel (컨트롤 판넬), Control System (컨트롤 시스템), Dispenser (디스펜서) |
* The above specifications are basic specifications and can be manufactured upon request by the consumer.
The existing stationary hydrogen charging station is used as the main charging station, and the mobile hydrogen charging system is used as an auxiliary charging station, and a mobile charging station can be used as an alternative when stationary hydrogen charging stations are out of service due to breakdowns or accidents

Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Overall Length (전장) | 12,970mm | |
Overall Width (전폭) | 2,490mm | |
Overall Height (전고) | 3,890mm | |
Performance (처리능력) | 승용차(5kg) 2대/hr | |
Equipment Parts (구성부품) | H2 Storage tank (고압수소 저장용기), Compressor (고압 압축기), Cooling unit (냉각설비), Dispenser (디스펜서) |
* The above specifications are basic specifications and can be manufactured upon request by the consumer.
Charging station that reduces construction cost which is suitable for areas where the size of charging vehicles is not large

Items (항목) | Specification (제원) | Remarks (비고) |
Discharge Capacity (충전 규모) | 30kg/hr ~ 100kg/hr | |
Operation Pressure (상용압력) | 87Mpa | |
Performance (처리 능력) | Bus: 2/day ~ 54/day Car: 65/day ~ 140/day | |
Equipment Parts (구성 부품) | Compressor package (고압 압축 패키지), H2 Storage tank (고압수소저장용기), Gas control panel (가스제어 판넬), Control&Monitoring system (컨트롤&모니터링 시스템), Cooling unit (냉각설비), Dispenser (디스펜서) |
* The above specifications are basic specifications and can be manufactured upon request by the consumer.